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Pencil Pleat Curtains

Pencil pleat curtains are a classic. Folds of fabric are tightly gathered to create a semi-cylindrical heading that resembles a line of pencils. From the close pleats of the header, the fabric tumbles freely to the floor. You can choose pencil pleat curtains for either poles or tracks.

What we say about Pencil Pleat curtains

At a glance

  • Extra deep pencil pleat option available for taller windows
  • Pencil pleat curtains can be fitted onto a curtain pole or track
  • All our made-to-measure curtains are available with a pencil pleat header style

Things to consider

  • A pencil pleat header has drawcords which allow you to easily adjust the width of the curtain folds
  • For very tall windows and high ceilings we recommend a deep pencil pleat header to create a balanced look
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