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Ripple Pleat Curtains

Ripple Pleat Curtains (older plait) is a type of fold formed by doubling fabric back upon itself and securing it in place. It is commonly used in clothing and upholstery to gather a wide piece of fabric to a narrower circumference.

Ripple Pleat Curtains Pleats are categorized as pressed, that is, ironed or otherwise heat-set into a sharp crease, or unpressed, falling in soft rounded folds.

What we say about Ripple Pleat Curtains

Great for…

  • Ripple fold style curtains are curtains that have a consistent s- curve rippling across the span of the track.
  • These styles are seen often in hospitality installations as hotels and banquet rooms.

Things to consider

  • The ripples are created by carriers corded together to create that consistent wave.
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